All That Glitters Website and Info Changes for December 2020!
Here are the changes on the All That Glitters Website for December 2020:
This Month's Special:
Visit our Monthly Special Page to Learn More…
This Month’s Gem News:
Newly Faceted or Newly Photographed Gemstones:
A 12+ct Synthetic Alexandrite Round has been cut by the owner of All That Glitters, as well as an 8.66ctDanburite (clear). Two newly completed Hand-Grooved Oregon Sunstones have been completed by one of our U.S Lapidary Experts and another is in the works. These will hopefully be shipped to us sometime in December.
Some items previously in inventory have been posted on the Newly Photographed page due to recent videos. Due to the time it takes to set up and create videos, as well as the work once the video has been created, there is a charge of $30 for a video but 50% of the fee will be returned if the gemstone is purchased. (Set up for the video, creating the video and then the processing prior to posting or sending to a customer, requires about half a day.)
Gemstones in Cutting:
Two large (approx. 100ct) Oregon Sunstones have been received back from a well known award winning cutter after waiting approximately 2.5years for him to work his lapidary magic. These will be going to another very competent cutter, one trained by this very same cutter in the past. Be prepared to be dazzled by these very special pieces in the future.