Monday, December 30, 2019

All That Glitters Website and Info Changes for January 2020!

Happy New Year to All of Our Customers and Associates! 

Here are the changes on the All That Glitters Website for January 2020:

This Month's Special:  
Visit our Monthly Special Page to Learn More…

This Month’s Gem News:  Heliodor Value, Price, and Jewelry Information
The International Gem Society has useful information on it’s website on many items of interest.  They also have All That Glitters permission to use our photos in articles on their website.  In fact, our photos are scattered widely throughout their site, including one photo of Rare Cat’s Eye Heliodor which is included in this article (and which was originally published in Gems & Gemology magazine(GIA)).  Our gemstones pictured in this article are incredible on their own but are also far less expensive than a comparable Cat’s Eye Chrysoberyl, and also more rare.  For those who wish a phenomenal gemstone, these unique Beryls would be great, and men would find this cat’s eye gem to be of interest, as these pieces would make a great man’s ring!  (Phenomenal is a gemological term to indicate gemstones that have cat’s eyes, stars, play of color, color change, color shift, etc. but these are indeed phenomenal in their own right!)
Read More… 

Newly Faceted or Newly Photographed Gemstones: 
A number of gemstones have been faceted from All That Glitters rough by two of our cutters and included:
Flat Faceted Fancy Tear Drop Ametrine, Fancy Cushion African Garnet (not photographed – can’t get an accurate color), Fancy Shield Blue Flash Amethyst; and three Hand-Grooved Ametrines - a Super Fancy Kite and two Emerald Cuts. (all of our specialty/blended Ametrines are selected by hand at the only Ametrine producing mine on the Bolivian/Brazilian border!)
The last Blue Flash Amethyst to be faceted from our rough is due back from the cutters and we expect to have this displayed on our website about the timeframe this email is received.  We expect to have a few more newly photographed gemstones by the end of February, some coming back from our cutter, and a few new acquisitions.

New Link/Page:  All That Glitters Jewelers Showcase!
All That Glitters had teamed up with Stuller Settings - Choose a Setting/Design for a Gemstone in the Comfort of Your Home!      
Gemstones in Cutting:
We have two large 100ct Oregon Sunstones that will be carved and/or cut by the multi-award winning cutter, Dalan Hargrave.  Dalan has reached out to us in the past to indicate his thoughts on how he would approach the cutting of each piece, and we hope that these pieces will be as beautiful as his past pieces – many destined to be in major collections and museums.  We gave him the thumbs up to begin working his magic, and some of his pieces are indeed magical!  We are currently awaiting the results.  Dalan recently reached out to us to indicate that these should be done by the Tucson Show.  If all works out and this indeed happens, expect to see photos of these pieces in late February.