Sunday, July 29, 2012

All That Glitters Website and Info Changes for August 2012

Here are the changes to look for on the All That Glitters Website for August  2012:

This Months Special:  2.69ct Cushion Color Shift Madagascar Garnet

Here is a unique color shift, from a nice orange to a smoky brown or tan, could even call it

a smoky quartz color.  We haven't seen this material for years, and the last time we did, the trade price is what we are currently asking per carat as this Months Special!

This Months Gem News:   Our Award Winning Supreme Master Gemcutter Facets a Kunzite
See a 'few' of the MANY steps that are required for cutting a gemstone, as well as some of the trials and tribulations frequently encountered during the faceting process.  In this case we do have a 41+ct finished Kunzite, but the 2nd piece from the rough crystal does not even survive the shaping process.

Newly Faceted or Photographed Gemstones: 
A very fine well cut clean Namibian Blue Tourmaline is now available.
The very fine quality Lapis Lazuli cabs, as well as two cabs of California Jasper, have been received
back from our cabber after about 8 months.  The Lapis color is to die for as they say...
The first Kunzite faceted from our museum quality specimen, originating from a famous California mine, is off of our Award Winning Supreme Master Gemcutters dop.  It is the finest color in Kunzite we, as well as others, have ever seen.  The process of a faceting this gemstone is documented on a new page and the link can be found further below - as well as a tradegdy in the faceting of the second piece...
A Russian Synthetic Quartz Crystal was recently photographed, though we have had this stashed away for about 10 years!
We missed photographing two wonderful Pink/Magenta Mozambique Tourmalines, so they are now present on the All That Glitters website.
3900+cts of Natural Obsidian from Oregon is available for purchase and there are lots of possibilites for the future owner of exactly what will be done with this unsual material from the long extinct volanoes of Oregon...

Gemstones in Cutting:
We are faceting that gorgeous Natural Kunzite Crystal from the Big Kahuna area of the Oceanview Mine!
Will be some incredibly intense colors in these gems when faceted.  Of course, our Award Winning Master Cutter is the only choice to facet these important gemstones.  We anticipate some of the finest Kunzite every seen, with a color that is a bluish purple pink.  It should stabilize to a deep pink, but Kunzite is known as an evening gemstone; keep it out of the sun and bright lights, and the color is pretty much stabile.  Irradiated Kunzite being sold by Brasilians, was selling at $200/ct wholesale for dark pinks.  We should be able to provide better color, gems in smaller sizes and the BEST cutting available, as our Master Cutter is doing the faceting!
==>  First gemstone has been completed, 2nd gemstone has cleaved/exploded and three more 'could'  follow every 2 or so weeks until all have been faceted, broken or just deemed a loss.

New Pages or Links! 
Lots of pages and links have been added over this past month and they include the following:
1.)  Photo Gallery Page dedicated to Kunzite:  < Photo Gallery - Kunzite >   New Page!
2.)  Photo Gallery Page dedicated to Opal:  < Photo Gallery - OpalNew Page!
3.)  Share All That Glitters with a Friend - Allows you to send an email and share the
      All That Glitters website link with a friend!   New Link!
4.)  Page showing 'some' of the steps required when faceting a gemstone - in this case, faceting the first
      gemstone produced from a California Kunzite Crystal previously offered for sale.
      <  Faceting Kunzite Demo  >  New Page!

News from Abroad:
A Tourmaline prices are on the rise, but then again, what gemstone currently isn't, especially if they are the finer colors, sizes, etc. which is what All That Glitters is known for...
Email from Africa:  "Yes prices - certainly Tourmaline - have shot up considerably and not sure if the will stabilise or come down in the near future as South Americans and chinese are buying everything...
Just about everything in Tourmaline has increased except for possibly brown yellow stuff from Tanzania Dravite. Blues are probably the most highly priced and still very sought after. Thereafter hot reds and pinks, apple greens. Paraiba is almost unheard of and prices unbelievable. I think Tourmaline is in short supply right now so if the color is good anything above 1gm is in demand." 
The above quote is for rough, and 1 gram when cut will be about a 1ct finished gemstone.
Email from Thailand:  "Good Tourmaline is up...Rubelite...Blue...Blue Pink....(prices) 3 years ago" are now 5 times higher.
All That Glitters Advice - Buy Now!!


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